



Archer, Frederick Scott (1813-1857) -
British Photographer, invented the wet glass plate collodion emulsion process (1851).
Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé (1787-1851) -
French scene painter and inventor, exposed silver-coated copper sheets, and developed the image with mercury vapor, then "fixed" it with salt.
[Bio 2,
Some Daguerretypes]
Draper, John William (1811-1882) -
English born American scientist, First astronomical photographer (Moon, 1840)
[Bio 2,
Bio 3]
Eastman, George (1854-1932) -
the Kodak box camera, the first camera designed specifically for mass production and amateur use. (1888)
The Kodak used a roll of gelatin-coated film that could record 100 photographs.
[Bio 2,
Bio 3,
Bio 4]
Herschel, Sir John Frederick William (1792-1871) -
British scientist, coined the terms photography, and positive amp; negative. Invented the fixer, Sodium Thiosulfate, the enlarger, and the blue printing process.
Also the first to use glass plates.
[Bio 2]
Land, Edwin Herbert (1909-1991) -
Inventor of instant processing (1947).
[Bio 2]
Maddox, Richard Leach (1816-1902) -
(1871) British physician, dry glass plate gelatin-silver emulsion process (exposure times 1/25 second).
Maxwell, James Clerk (1831-1879) -
Color photography:
In 1855 Maxwell demonstrated there were three primary colors of light - that you could make white light by combining red, green, and blue.In 1861, he produced the first color photograph by taking three images of the same scene, each through a different primary-colored filter.

- Niépce, Joseph Nicéphore (1765-1833) -
French inventor, produced the world's first photograph
by coating a metal plate with a light-sensitive chemical and then exposed the plate in the camera for about eight hours (1826).
[Bio 2]
- Petzval, Josef Max (1807-1891) -
Hungarian mathematician and optician, designed two types of lenses, one for making portraits and the other for landscape pictures
[Bio 2]
- Scheele, Carl (1742-1786) -
Swedish chemist, showed that the changes caused in the silver salts by light could be made permanent by chemical treatment (1770s)
- Schulze, Johann H. (1684-1744) -
German physicist, discovered that silver salts turn dark when exposed to light (1727).
- Talbot, William Henry Fox (1800-1877) -
First positive/negative process in 1840 (calotype).
[Bio 2,
Bio 3]
- Wedgewood, Thomas (1771-1805) -
Wedgewood begin some of the first recorded experiments to produce photos using light sensitive materials to capture images upon glass (1795).
[Bio 2]


Mathew Brady -
American photographer, known particularly for his photography of the American Civil War (1861-1865)
[His Photography]
Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879) -
British Photographer, emphasized expressiveness over technical quality, with many of her pictures being blurred or slightly out of focus. But in doing so Cameron captured the personalities of her subjects, who included such famous persons as Sir John Herschel (see above), and the British naturalist Charles Darwin.
[Bio 2,
Her Photography]
Tournachon, Gaspard Felix (Nadar) (1820-1910) -
French portrait photographer, emphasizing the pose and gestures characteristic of his subjects.
first aerial photograph, a view of Paris taken from a balloon.


Historic Camera -
A searchable Historic Camera library
History of the Camera -
The foundations of an art: A prehistory of photography
Photographic History -
Galleries History of Photography
Camera Obscura -
An indepth history of the Camera Obscura
Pinhole Photography -
A short history of photography without a lens.
Photo Papers -
A history of the development of photographic papers.
Time Line -
Important dates in the history of photography.
Time Line -
Nineteenth-Century Photography: A Timeline
Women Pioneers of Photography -
A short history and list of women who contributed to photography.
Photography and Art -
Early British photography imitating art.
Photo Glossary -
Early Photographic terms from "The Correspondence of William Henry Fox Talbot".
Photography Overview -
Process, Taking, Equipment, Processing, and History
Index of Major Photographers -
Alphabetical index of major photographers by name.
More Links -
A long directory list of links about the history of photography.